Website Terms & Conditions of Usage

Please read the following website legal notice carefully as it contains the terms and conditions of usage of the Hwindi website located at (“website”) owned by the website company Hwindi as well as other important legal notices applicable to the end user accessing the website (“user”) or (“you”).Please read the following website legal notice carefully as it contains the terms and conditions of usage of the Hwindi website located at (“website”) owned by the website company Hwindi as well as other important legal notices applicable to the end user accessing the website (“user”) or (“you”).The website refers to Hwindi website including online / digital publication hosted on the website company URL. The user’s (your) usage of the online information services contained on the website constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of usage contained below and your arising obligations towards Hwindi. Hwindi may amend these terms and conditions of usage at any time by posting the amended terms and conditions on All amended terms shall automatically become effective immediately after they are posted on the website and any subsequent use of the site shall be governed by such amended terms. This agreement was last revised on 12 October 2022. You are advised to regularly check these terms and conditions for any amendments or updates. Limited Liability of Hwindi
The user understands that usage of the website is at the sole discretion and risk of the user. Hwindi reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the website, including, but not limited to, content, hours of availability, and equipment needed for access or use.Notwithstanding the effort placed on maintaining the availability and accessibility of the website. Hwindi takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for the website being unavailable or inaccessible. No warranty
The information contained on the website is provided by Hwindi and/or its partners, suppliers or agents without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of reliability, fitness for any particular purpose, timeliness, sequence, completeness, non-infringement of third-party rights and/or freedom from errors or inaccuracies. Indemnification of Hwindi
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Hwindi, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensor and suppliers, harmless from and against any claims, damages, actions and liabilities including without limitation, your loss of profits, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the website or the software supporting and/or enabling the website and reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from your use of this website or the software supporting and/or enabling the website. Unauthorised use of the website
The user is permitted to use the website for lawful purposes only. Unauthorised use of the website includes posting or transmission of data which violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of Hwindi, its partners, suppliers or agents and/or third parties, which is unlawful, defamatory or otherwise objectionable or which constitutes advertising of goods or services in the absence of written approval from Hwindi.Unauthorised use of the website may give rise to Hwindi instituting a claim for damages against you and all involved and/or you and all involved may be found guilty of a statutory and/or criminal offence and/or be liable for civil damages. Website links
From time to time the website may include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience for the purposes of providing further information. Such links do not signify that Hwindi endorses the website(s) linked to and or associated with. Such websites may provide opinions, recommendations, or other information from various individuals, sponsors, organisations or companies. In providing such links, Hwindi does not investigate the content of such information nor endorse, guarantee, warrant, or recommend the accuracy of such information, alternatively subscribe to any such opinions or recommendations. You agree that Hwindi shall have no responsibility or bear no liability in relation to the content of the linked website(s).You may not create a link to the website from another website or document without Hwindi’s prior consent in writing, in which case the terms of your linking to the website shall be governed by the terms of your “linking agreement” with Hwindi. Applicable law and jurisdiction
You consent to the jurisdiction of the high court of Zimbabwe for the adjudication of any legal dispute between Hwindi and you as the user. This website legal notice will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the republic of Zimbabwe. Severability
If any provision of this website legal notice is found to be invalid, unlawful, void or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the website legal notice, which shall remain in full force and effect. Website intellectual property:
The website comprises of software and content (such as text, news headlines and summaries, articles, images and audio tracks, animation, photographs, video, music, sound and voice), designs, trademarks, (all names, marks, brands, logos, designs, trade dress, slogans used on/in connection with the website) and trade secrets that is the intellectual property of Hwindi and/or its partners, suppliers, agents and or various third parties are subject to the intellectual property/other laws of Southern Africa and if applicable foreign laws, international conventions and treaties. Further, and to the extent that Hwindi does not own specific content or such content falls within the public domain, Hwindi may hold copyright/further intellectual property rights in the selection, co-ordination, arrangement and enhancement of such content on the website. Specific content may be licensed from third parties. Such third-party content is subject to the applicable copyright restrictions, which vary by copyright holder.
No license to Hwindi intellectual property or the intellectual property of its partners, suppliers, agents or third parties has been granted to you unless otherwise indicated. Without limitation to the prohibitions placed on the user by contract or law. Reproduce or use the aforementioned intellectual property either in print or electronic form in violation of the intellectual property rights of Hwindi and/or its partners, suppliers, agents or such third parties as applicable; Commercially exploit, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, publish or broadcast any website intellectual property without prior written approval of Hwindi or in the case of its partners, suppliers, agents or third-party content, the rights holder of such intellectual property; Claim or convey ownership of any website intellectual property either in its entirety or otherwise; Modify the website content for the purposes of reposting to other websites; Alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from the website content; and Copy, store, or otherwise incorporate website content or intellectual property into any other web site, electronic retrieval system, publication or other work. Your publication of the website content.
If you are an editor, producer or webmaster of a web site or other online publication you may include the website headlines provided that you include the appropriate links to the corresponding articles on the websites web server and mention “Hwindi” at as the source of these headlines (and, as applicable, the source of any third party news release). You agree to use a functional link to the full story on the website that shall display the full content immediately. Websites wishing to make use of this permission must request such permission in writing and Hwindi reserves the right to deny such permission or withdraw such permission from any website at any time. You further agree not to frame or otherwise control the browser window (if any) in which the website content opens, including limiting the size or position of such window. You agree not to associate any website content with any content that might harm the reputation of Hwindi, its affiliated sites, authors, employees, contributors or partners. You agree not to use website content on any site that provides instruction on or promotes illegal activities, or is in any way misleading, obscene, defamatory, libellous, or invasive of personal privacy. In the event of any uncertainty in this regard, you are advised to contact Hwindi at Unsolicited commercial communications
You agree not to collect or use any personal information of users of the website and/or members of Hwindi for the purposes of transmitting and/or facilitating in the transmission of unsolicited commercial communications (“spam”).